Camera Altitude Errors after Alignment

Land survey without PPK flight logs, camera rough GPS + ground control points.

These high cameras look odd and are clearly not at the drone elevation.  I have ground control points marked in the general flight altitude and in some of these high camera images with little pixel error.  I tried disabling these cameras and re-aligning however this resulted in fewer registered cameras much less that I had disabled.  Perhaps indicating that those high cameras are part of the registration.

I was debating to leave alone, or disable them before model building.  Is this expected or does it indicate registration error?

Hello Wayne,

those cameras are incorrectly aligned. Please try to group images w.r.t to exif by clicking on the Images sign in 1Ds and selecting Group:

Then in the alignment settings please change the distortion model to Brown 4 with tangential 2 and align again.

Also, in the screenshot, it seems that your ground control points are in a different vertical system than ellipsoidal heights from GPS priors. This causes the constant vertical shift on each camera. I would recommend disabling camera priors in the Alignment settings and use only GCPs for georeferencing.