Cam cut track and Audio track in sequencer4.11 is not available

HI All,

I am Rohan, using Unreal Engine for almost a year now. I have recently updated the 4.11 official version for studying the Sequencer. While going through the documentations and videos for the sequencer I’ve noticed some of the features in sequencer are not available in 4.11 update.

Features like " Camera Cut Track , Level visibility Track & Audio track to edit in Sequencer ADD option.

Hence, can someone please tell me whether this is launched in 4.11 or is an upcoming update.

Thanks & Regards,

Hi .Williams,

Yes its the same.



I got this after updating to 4.11.1, But still cam Cut Track is Missing.


Hi Rohan,

Does your “Add” menu look like this?



Shot Track dose the same thing though.

Our documentation seems to be a little bit ahead of where 4.11 is, actually. I believe those are features that aren’t in 4.11.

Hi ,

Thanks , will wait for the updates. But truly its a great feature…
