Calling interface from PlayerController


I would like to call an interface from my blueprint player controller to my blueprint character.

I’m not able to call the interface.
I cant find the good target.

I would appreciate any help on that subject.

Thank you
Have a great day

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Hi thanks for your answer, unfortunately it doesnt work :cry:

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The only way this would not work:

  • you’re not using this controller
  • you’re not possessing the character you want to send the messages to

Double check it. Hard to deduct more from the snippet and description.

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What he said :point_up_2:


Alright thanks for the answers.

Is it possible to call an interface this way ?
Message send from my player controller

Interface made in my Ai controller

Thank you so much

No. If you want to send an interface message to any actor, get its reference and send it. It’s as simple as you think it is. You’re doing something strange we don’t know about.

Have a look at the 2 bullet points I mentioned. Can you confirm it’s set up correctly?

  • you’re not using this controller
  • you’re not possessing the character you want to send the messages to

Well i am using player controller and also ai controller for this specific pawn.

Basically, i want to send a message from my player controller to my ai controller.

I thought i could send a message from my player controller to my character which sends it to my ai controller.

It’s not working, i cant get the right reference…

I was doing something weird indeed.

I figured with all the instructions you gave me, thanks for your help ! :smiley: