Calling Event from Actor to Player Controller does not Execute for Server

I’m trying to call a custom event from my ActorBP to its Player Controller to change the HUD. This all works well and fine in single player but once I change to multiplayer, the listen server never actually executes the event that was called from the ActorBP to the Player Controller. But the client on the other hand is able to do so. I’ve set the event itself to all different possible replication settings (None, Multicast, On Server, On Client) but for some reason the listen server is never able to execute it. Any possible explanation and fix? Attached screenshots are possible places for any error. Thanks in advanced :slight_smile:

This is the ActorBP where I cast to its player controller and store it as a reference

This is the ActorBP where I call the function “Change Max Heart” in the Player Controller BP

This is where it fails to run if it is a server but manages to run if its a client (Which is weird because even when I set the replication method to multicast or run on server, the client manages to run it but not the server. So I thought that the initial event “Event Change Class” was not running on the server, but it does cause the other custom even “Change Class” runs)