Calling an event

Hey, I’m kinda new to UE and I’m stuck in a roadblock.
Been trying to call this “InfractionAdd” event in an actor blueprint, the only way i found to do it is casting the vehicleAdvPawn (I’m using the vehicle preset to test this out) and connect it somehow to a Cast To (Other blueprint where the event is from) but it never works, always comes out as failed.

In this scenario, the vehicle goes goes up a sidewalk blueprint actor, the box collider on it detects an overlap between the vehicle and the blueprint and it’s supposed to send a signal to activate the event “InfractionCounter” in which keeps note of all the infractions (Stepping up a sidewalk in this case) to an interger value.

Tried using both a gamemode bp And an actor Bp for the Infraction Counter but both didn’t work

Any clue on how to fix this/make it work?

always comes out as failed

What the collider overlaps is a vehicle, not the Infraction Counter actor. How does this actor make it into the game?

Tried using […] gamemode bp

This should be pretty straightforward: Get Game ModeCastCall. But you must set up the Game Mode first, ofc. What would be even easier is to count the infractions inside the vehicle BP itself.

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