Calling an event from a widget blueprint to player character blueprint


I have a normal hud widget named WB_Hud and i have a second widget with an ability icon that has the image name cooldown etc named WB_abilityIcon. in the graph i have a cooldown event that i want to call in to my playerbp when triggering a skill. see bellow:

I would like to be able to call it here see bellow but whenever i try that i get this error: Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property Hud_AbilityIcon”. Node: Trigger Cooldown Graph: EventGraph Function: Execute Ubergraph BP Player Blueprint: BP_Player

I am extremely new just following tutorials always breaking things but eventually i get it to work but this part i just cant figure out how to get my cooldown working if anyone can be kind enough to help i would appreciate it.

How does it come into play / how is created / added to the game? Is it a part of the HUD widget?

You’re getting the error because this variable:

Has no value. You have merely created a variable that can refer to a widget of a certain type. We still need to tell the editor which widget instance you mean. Imagine there are 3 widgets of that type created in 3 different parts of the game. How do we know which you want?

Thank You i was doing this all wrong but managed to figure it out when i was following a tutorial i skipped a whole part apparently this was my fault and all works now

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