Calling all unreal engine beginners

PLEASE NOTE: I’m posting this in as many places as I can to get the best responses. If this forum is not the best place for this post, please let me know in the comments :slight_smile:

Also, please note that this is not intended to be a self promotion in any way, this is simply to help as many beginners as possible.

I also understand this isn’t necessarily a question, but still.

I have used the Unreal Engine for 4 years (maybe more, I’m honestly not even sure) now, and have worked on several different projects scaling from major fails to life changing successes. However, one thing I’ve noticed recently is, within the past year or so, I hardly ever need to do any research to get things done. This means, no more hours wasted trying to figure out why my copy of that one tutorial I found on YouTube isn’t working in my game!

This was a MAJOR discovery, and one that really made me feel like my 3 years of hard work leading up to this point were worth it. Then, it got me thinking:

What can I do to make these 3 years of self training quicker (or even obsolete) for beginners?

That question is why I am creating a YouTube channel dedicated to answering the questions of beginners… but there is one big problem. I HAVEN’T BEEN A BEGINNER FOR 4+ YEARS!

So, instead of acting like I know what questions you have and taking shots in the dark, I am asking for your wants and needs as a beginner with the Unreal Engine.

Please, ask away! Ask any questions you may have, no matter how silly you may think they are! I can almost guarantee, someone else wants to ask the same thing.

My Strengths:

  • I am very experienced with Unreal Engine Blueprint
  • I have a solid understanding of the engine as a whole
  • I have found creative and efficient strategies to design levels and prototype games
  • I have a solid understanding of the game design process and mindset

My Weaknesses:

  • I am not a 3D modeler, rigger, or animator
  • I do not know C++, C#, Java, Python, etc… basically blueprint is my strong-suit
  • I drink too much caffeine

I’m Still Learning:

  • The most efficient strategies for connecting Animation and Gameplay
  • The best practices for creating AI
  • Materials and Material Blueprinting
  • Multiplayer… oh multiplayer…

If this sounds interesting or helpful to you, a friend, or even if you just think it could help someone in the world, please subscribe to In the Dev Zone on YouTube! Let’s create a new way of learning the Unreal Engine that is quicker and easier than ever before!


This is definitely not the right place to post this (forum is much, much more suitable).

this is simply to help as many
beginners as possible.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with self promotion but you have no videos that I can see… :wink:

If you wish to help, why not start posting answers this Answer Hub and in the Forums. Most question asked here do not require a separate video - it’s a short Q&A instead. Every now and then someone will ask how to make an entire game, though - having a video for that could be dandy!

On the other hand, there is always a good amount of beginner questions available. And if you wish to tackle more advanced stuff, there plenty of those, too!

If you’re looking for inspiration for the videos and a way to grow your channel, tackle the below topics (no need to wait for questions):

  • blueprints communication - direct, event dispatchers and interfaces
  • how to handle framework classes
  • how referencing works
  • how to efficiently hook up widgets to data
  • how to work with widgets & data tables
  • how to rotate stuff in all ways possible using any of the interpolation methods available
  • how to move stuff in all ways possible using any of the interpolation methods available
  • dynamic materials
  • character animation
  • physics
  • vector math
  • string operations

The above make up for around 30% of all questions asked. Once you have suitable videos available, it’s a matter of sifting through questions (both answered and unanswered) and leaving links to your content.

There are hundreds of channels dedicated to beginners. But great personality, knowledge and the will to share it with others will always be in high demand. UE5 is both here & around the corner, perhaps you can leverage that to attract folks to your channel.

Well here is a fresh noob :slight_smile: I used the engine for 2 weeks or so and is not a coder by trade (just hobby). Im slowly getting into it but I get stuck on alot of things that I don’t know if they are bugs, features or if Im just stupid.

One example is I followed a 3p shooter tutorial and there it was a linetrace between the gun and target and spawned a decal at the target. I couldn’t get it to work 100% by just following the tutorial since it often missed to register shots (only spawned decal at 40-50% of the hits). I managed to “solve” it myself by adding a vector 1, 1, 1 to the linetrace and then it registred 100% of the hits on like the floor and the “North” and “East” side of objects but did not register any hits on che celing or “South” and “West” side so I had to make a second linetrace if the first did not yield a result where I added a -1, -1, -1 vector (which regisred 100% of the hits on celings "South and West sides. Together the 2 linetraces made sure all hits are registred accurately but I still have no clue why it is not working out of the box (the first linetrace and not adding 1, 1, 1 or -1, -1, -1 vectors)… Bug or feature?

So its mostly stuff like that that really slows down everything right now. Also all settings everywhere… dont know what they do.

One thing that would be interesting is how to properly start a project using sourcecontrol and how that works.

Another thing would be to do small tutorials explaining some thing in detail.

But really I think the best way to learn is to follow some bigger project tutorial (lots of those out there) so maybe it would be nice to have some Q&A thing where noobs like me ask you questions and you answer in your channel with some example? Thats the thing I feel is missing, someone that can answer specific questions.

Anyway great idea and thanks for wanting to help us noobs out :slight_smile: I subscribed to your channel :slight_smile: