Calling a parent event with blueprint

How does one access parent functions with blueprint?
I see an example of a child calling a parent’s event in the content examples. Specifically the BP_Pickup_Child_Cupcake blueprint, but I can find no way to call parent events with my own blueprints.

Hey Vaporlynx,

If you want to call parent functions/events from your child blueprint, you can do the following:

  • If you want to call an Event from the parent–for example, Begin Play–add the same event to your child’s event graph then right-click on the node and select Add call to parent function.
  • If you need to call a function from the parent, you can just right-click in your eventgraph, search for the function name, and select it from the search list.
  • If you need to Implement that function (basically, override the functionality) you can select the function from your My Blueprint tab and right-click on in to Implement it in your child blueprint and add your altered script in it.

There is a limitation to this and it is that you cannot call events bound to components in the parent blueprint. See the following thread for an explanation: Overriding parent events in child BP class - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums

Hope that helps you out!


Thank you, that was it exactly.

+1 for “Add call to parent function”! I didn’t know that node existed :slight_smile:

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Something I just noticed: in 4.9 if you have class C with parent B with parent A, class C can’t call a parent event unless B calls a parent event.

edit: looks more complicated than that - I ran into it on a larger project and haven’t gotten a simple example to fail. Also seen here:

That’s lame…pretty much the ONLY events I wanted to go to child were the ones that are specific to a component…like “on capsule touched” to create the targeting system. Or the “on sense Pawn”

my on touched is easy enough to copy and paste…i’m gonna presume there is a way to actually make a BP that can be called for A.I. and that i dont have to create it inside every single monster that uses the “run up and attack” system… (not that it’s super hard but as I add in dodges, or fleeing I dont want to deal with the whole things inside each BP

Hello, did you manage to figure out how to do it with events instead of functions? I pretty much have some code that should run as normal for every child class, so I want to add it to the parent class, but then I want it to call an event after that, I want to be able to change this code for the child classes