Call Widget Custom Event from another Actor Blueprint?


Basically, I want to use Handtracking to click on widgets… I couldn’t figure out how to click on buttons with my hands collisions…

I have the widget inside an Actor blueprint, And I’ve put collision boxes on top of the widget’s buttons, so that I can overlap the boxes and trigger the custom event inside the widget.

To call the custom event inside the widget, I use a “get all widgets of class”, use the widget in question as the class, on the 2found widgets" array, I get (acopy) and then set it as avariable to later use it as a “get widget” and call the custom event inside of it…

This doens’t work tho… it says it can’t access the event in the output log

Any ideas on how to proceed here?

many thanks!

Hey @Moura

did you have a look at the WidgetInteraction component?

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Sorry for the late reply,lot’s of work at hand…

I will come back at this issue later and check out your links properly and see what I can do!

Thank you so much for your attention!