Call Stack not in log written to crash subdirectory

I wonder, why the call stack for a crash does not appear in the logfile, that’s getting written to the Saved/Crashes subdirectory. The log simply ends with my last message written:

[2021.10.01-08.53.40:716][524]LogHerb64Inventory: Display: BP_HealthActor_2: Input Action Mapping 'Inject' is using Key 'O'
[2021.10.01-08.53.40:716][524]LogHerb64Inventory: Display: BP_HealthActor_2: Inventory Item class = BP_TempItem_C, name = tempitem, 128, sound valid 1

But: when going into the Saved/Logs subdirectory, the log does indeed contain the stack trace:

[2021.10.01-08.53.40:716][524]LogHerb64Inventory: Display: BP_HealthActor_2: Inventory Item class = BP_TempItem_C, name = tempitem, 128, sound valid 1
[2021.10.01-08.53.44:967][524]LogWindows: Error: === Critical error: ===
[2021.10.01-08.53.44:967][524]LogWindows: Error: 
[2021.10.01-08.53.44:967][524]LogWindows: Error: Fatal error!
[2021.10.01-08.53.44:967][524]LogWindows: Error: 
[2021.10.01-08.53.44:967][524]LogWindows: Error: Unhandled Exception: 
...stack follows here...

So need to match my log files with the crashes manually, because the log within Crashes is of no use. Wouldn’t it be much better to have the log containing the call stack available in the Crashes directory?

It looks like installing the symbols for the editor makes the situation worse:
none of the logs contains a stacktrace any more. The only way to get this now is to copy and paste the stack trace infos from the crash report window before closing.
Not doing that copy/paste results in complete loss of the trace information.
This is with UE4.26.2 and VS2019.