I’m kinda stuck in this one… trying to read and see every video about it but I still can’t get it to work.
I know it has something to do with the Events Track and tracking events on the Sequencer Window… but I can’t figure it out.
I have this “Fan” ActorBP Placed inside the level, with a Static Mesh Component and a Rotating Component deactivated.
Inside the Event Graph I have a “StartFan” Custom Event that activates the Rotating Component
If I wanted to Call the “StartFan” Custom Event from Sequencer so the Mesh starts rotating. How should I go about it? (without implementing intefaces or calling the Level Blueprint, just direct communication with the placed actor… if possible 
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Ok, so I finally made it work.
Added the Fan BP to Sequencer
Added Track / Event on the BP (in the Sequencer object thing… inside the timeline, to the left)
Added a keyframe on the track event… (Following the tuts I changed the Event/keyframe type to “Create new Endpoint” and from the Sequence Director, inside the new endpoint I fired the StartFan Custom Event)
as seen here
and everything worked as expected…
Now… the problem was that I couln’t see it working when scrubbing the timeline. Once I play the level it works.
I know there is some kind of “Call in Editor” on the custom events that might solve the problem, but I can’t get it to work, if somebody can explain that part (seeing the results of the events firing without playing the level in PIE) that would be da bomb!
You need to bei at least in Simulating Mode of the Editor. Your Fan Spin ist Not Controller by sequence but with a component which needs the Editor to Tick. You could also die the Rotation via a Material function which would Work without Play/Simulation or Spin the Rotor via sequencer
That’s interesting… I though the play button on the sequencer was the same as simulating in editor… for some reason
Makes sense that is not.
So… if I wasn’t using the tick, say I was calling a custom event for changing materials on an actor or doing math I should see the changes in the viewport scrubbing the timeline without playing
but if I have a timeline changing stuff or a component that relies on the tick It shouln’t