Ok, got this working so here is an example…
I want to call a blueprint function from C++.
So first I make a blueprint function called CallFunctionTest.
(In our game, and we call a player a “Survivor”.)
It just prints “Survivor Call Function Test” in pink on the console.
Then I have a static blueprint set of functions like this…
The header file is
#include "Kismet/BlueprintFunctionLibrary.h"
#include "TDLSurvivorFastCache.generated.h"
class TDL_API UTDLSurvivorFastCache : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = TDLSurvivorCache)
static void TestCPPCallToBP(AActor * c);
and the cpp file is…
#include "tdl.h"
#include "ConsoleManager.h"
#include "TDLSurvivorFastCache.h"
UTDLSurvivorFastCache::UTDLSurvivorFastCache(const class FObjectInitializer & PCIP)
: Super(PCIP)
UE_LOG(TDLLog, Log, TEXT("UTDLSurvivorFastCache"));
void UTDLSurvivorFastCache::TestCPPCallToBP(AActor * c)
FOutputDeviceNull ar;
c->CallFunctionByNameWithArguments(TEXT("CallFunctionTest"), ar, NULL, true);
Then we call the test function from our SurvivorBP blueprint and it calls the function on the SurvivorBP.
Here are the blueprints