i’m trying to animate my hands. I have an axe which i can pick up and is a separate blueprint. My question is how to animate the Char-Mesh from the axe blueprint. I tried a cast to but that didnt really work out. I hope you understand what i mean.
An easy way to get blueprints to talk with each other is by using blueprint interfaces. You can create one by right clicking in the content browser and then selecting blueprint interface from the blueprint context menu. Inside of the interface you can create functions that are used to execute events and pass information between blueprints. Be sure to add the interface to the class settings of each blueprint that you want to use the interface. I use interfaces quite often for circumstances like yours where I need blueprints to trigger events and transfer information between each other. I’ll link a few documentation pages on the topic that will elaborate on what I wrote here.
I try to add to interface target Get Anim Instance form SkeletalMesh but it’s not firing
Ok, I found it.
from Skeletal Mesh node Get Anim Instance and from this cast to interface directly, and from As Anim Interface need to call his function.