Call a boolean from a class BP in the Level BP

Hi everyone,

With some friends we’re trying to set up a quite simple TPS, and I’m really new to the blueprint section of Unreal. I followed some tutorials to be able to pick up an item to ware with sockets like a gun. For now I can pick up my gun by getting close to it and pressing E, but as it works with collision I can’t throw it away with the same E and my “pick up text” still display. So how can I verify that my weapon is holded so that I can disable the pick up action and text ? or any other suggestions.

Here’s my pick up action and text tabs :

Sorry if that’s unclear

Thank you !

Ok so I managed to solve my “Pick Up Action” problem with a boolean “WeaponIsCarried”

However i still can’t figure out how to mask my “Pick Up Text” because it’s in another blueprint and I can’t call my weapon boolean.

Any solutions ?

Up : so the question is finally : how do you call a boolean from a class BP in the Level BP ? I saw many ways to do the opposite, but nothing seems to work on this situation.

Thank you