Calculate Spin Direction Mid Air

How would I go about calculating a characters spin direction mid air? I’d like to get a float value based on if the character is rotating left or right so I can apply it to a blend space to have the character look in the direction he’s spinning.

Any advice is welcome - Extra points for giving me a higher float value based on speed of rotation!!

I assume the character is not simulating physics:

P.S. I used control rotation because I have a first-person character and character rotation == control rotation, but you can use the rotation of your capsule or mesh or whatever, maybe even relative, in case your character may tilt, like a skateboarder, etc.

Here’s another way to do it:


And no physics sim is needed. The movement component takes care of it; assuming the capsule is the root of the actor. So it could look like this:

Indeed it works. I had thought it would only work with physics objects.

Thanks @Tuerer - Unfortunately I couldn’t get the result on that - I think it was because My character is 3rd person and looking at controller direction (I’ll be more specific next time but much gratitude for the help).

@Everynone - you’re an absolute genius and a real legend mate - works like a charm and I learned something new in the process.