Calculate RPM per second

Im using ue 4.16,

I want to know how to calculate the RPM / sec of the rotating object (ACTOR), and display it on the screen, can someone help me ?? Even the smallest help is very helpful.

What kind of an object are you talking about? Physics?

yes Physics, When actor is spinning, then RPM will increase. can you help?

Can you use the Update tick in the actor to the get the current rotation see how much it changes between each tick, then use the Time Delta to get the number of times it rotates within a second?

Get the rotation value, each time it equals 0 just increment a float (or integer). Use delta time to get your rps, multiply and you have RPM.

If you use event tick to get rotation value be careful to implement a margin since your rotation can reach 0 between ticks if your object spins too fast.