calculate relative rotation and offset in worldspace

In the video below I show the blueprint working correctly, I just couldn’t add it correctly as I wanted.

The player can rotate the block he is going to place, and it is relative to the block you are on.
It’s working correctly but what I need is for the rotation to be maintained when changing blocks.

I’ve been stuck without ideas for a long time and decided to ask here

Blueprint Math:

more information:
‘Structure Relative Rotation’ takes world rotation of the hit actor by the cursor, has free values ​​like, 23.61…,89.11…,11.11

‘To Placement Structure Rotation’ is the desired rotation (pressing r rotates the value)
has values ​​stuck like, 0,90,0 0,180,0 90,90,180

If you want to create something similar I can help as much as I can when I’m free