Calculate Frames Per Second (FPS) in Blueprints?

I want to be able to create a variable for FPS in blueprints. I’ve seen some examples of using the event tick to calculate delta milliseconds but that’s not what I’m after.

Could anyone point me in the right direction?


Been done before:


I did see this example but doesn’t this just calculate ms since last frame which is different from Frames Per Second?

Normally (AFAIK & used to implement it that way):
msec = deltaTime * 1000.0
fps = 1.0 / deltaTime


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Yeah so (delta seconds * 1000 = msec)

Not sure how we could get FPS from this without some complicated calculation.

Open to any ideas!!

Hi it’s maybe old but if someone needs the answer.

So it’s a simple mathematic trick (mostly used in physics). So first of all you have to know that a frequency (f) = 1/ periode (T) and it’s reversible T = 1/f

So the period is represented as Delta seconds in Unreal Engine 4. So you just have to do 1/ Delta seconds and you’ll het it !

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