To be honest, I would of course also like to do a little advertising for our Cai. I haven’t yet come up with the idea of doing this in the Unreal Engine forum.
So what is CAI UWE. Actually, the essentials are already summarized in the title. ChatGPT and other services usually work for just one person. CAI UWE works via Twitch. You can make your prompt in the Twitch chat and CAI will respond.
As you can easily see, it was made with UE(5). As it is now, the end is far from being reached. We’ve had a lot of trouble fixing bugs lately, but now it’s pretty stable.
But we will always think of new things that we can implement. Maybe you also have ideas? We are open to nice ideas.
Normally he is online 24/7. When there is a new build it is offline for a short time and if a serious bug occurs that worsens the experience it is taken offline until the bug is fixed.
Until around February 18, 2024, it will either only be available in the evenings from 6:00 p.m. (Berlin time) or not at all. After that, normal operations should run again, i.e. 24/7
You can address him with the command
!cai <prompt>
Feel free to prompt him in your language, as he understands and can respond in many.
With !help you can get further help. All chat commands are also described on our Twitch channel.
You can find it at
If you like it, a follow on twitch would be most helpful.
If you have any questions, feel free