I’m working on Solidworks 2018 (any chance we can get 2018 support anytime soon? On my end at least, that’s probably the quickest workaround :)), and I’ve been having a lot of issues with meshes imported through Datasmith getting some crazy blown geometry when I try to set up LODs… At first I thought maybe I was being a bit too aggressive on the reduction settings, but after playing around a bit this afternoon, I don’t think that’s the case. FWIW, it seems to happen regardless of what stitching option I select on the import.
I was wondering if maybe exporting from Solidworks to a different file type would help… Can anyone elaborate as to the pros and cons of my various options here?
From Solidworks, I can save as ACIS, 3Dxml (not sure what version), CATIA (.cgr), IGES, parasolid, ProE/Creo, and step. There are several options within Solidworks when saving as ACIS, IGES, parasolid, and step, and I’m really not sure what impact all of them will have when I bring everything into UE4, but maybe someone here does?
Here’s a screenshot of my options when I’m saving in Solidworks, and a couple images to show what I’m talking about with the wacky geometry.
Any ideas what would be best combination of file format and export options?
Thanks so much!