Cached Pose in State Machine


I am wondering if it is possible to create a cached pose inside a state-machine in the animation blueprint.

If a cached pose is created in the AnimGraph it appears like I can access it inside the states, however, I can not save a cached pose inside any states.


Hi Alexandre,

No, it is not possible to create a cached pose from inside a state machine, and we are not aware of any particular case when there would be a need to do so that could not be served by caching the pose in the AnimGraph. Allowing the ability to cache from a StateMachine is unnecessary and could lead to possible issues.



One reason to use Cache nodes is to do additive animation and provide a default pose to a slot for example. If you now want to do this additive animation inside a state machine state you are out of luck?

another reason is to encapsulate other functionality. My predecessor had created a animation logic chaining cached poses and it works fine, but I wanted to add more functionality. I wanted to keep what he did and put it in one state and my new work in another, but since cached poses aren’t supported, my predecessor’s work was broken. Now I need to either rework his original graph or rethink how to add to it without using a state machine.

I’ve same problem , any news on this topic to use cache inside state machines?

Sorry to necro, but there is indeed a way for those looking.
I’ve finished some blending for different equipment and accidentally found this post.

What you can do is you can make an Animation Layer (the section under Animation Graph) and this will give you a node you can reuse. You can add an input pin. This input pin can be your BlendSpace. You can now cache this pose from the input.

This means that inside of the Animation Layer you’ve made, you can now blend by enum (int, or anything else you want) and then by bone. No need to duplicate anything or do any of that since you can just plugin in your cached pose.

I’ll attach a screenshot or two. I’m unsure whether or not this is how you’re supposed to do it but it works, so there’s that. lol

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Massive thanks to Karakuri, found this reply after some googling. This method worked for me where I had a state with several poses and blendspaces that all input into the Anim Layer node. And that anim layer I was able to cache the input and than use that for various additive animation setups within it.

I would prefer to cache poses inside the state’s but this works nicely cause it can atleast organize things within layers.

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This worked for me as well!

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