Cache Issue

I ran out of storage due to temp folder swelling during a sizable reconstruction, wish to avoid having to recalculate depth maps, etc., so I’ve assigned a custom location on another SSD, copied RCs temp files over to this folder. My question, now that I’ve changed that preference, if I delete the older Temp folder’s contents, will RC look inside this newly assigned location and find the files, or will it look in the old C drive location, not find anything, then begin calculations from scratch and save those on top of the existing data in the new temp location?

BTW, I surely hope this previously identified bug, Project Folder being assigned for temp files not moving with each project, is addressed on an update. I’ve whined about this for a while, know it’s not a huge priority, but this would indeed make life easier for users working across numerous .rcproject files and needed to optimize workflow.



Hello Benjy,

“My question, now that I’ve changed that preference, if I delete the older Temp folder’s contents, will RC look inside this newly assigned location and find the files, or will it look in the old C drive location, not find anything, then begin calculations from scratch and save those on top of the existing data in the new temp location?”

After some tests it seems that RC will recompute the depth maps if those are not in the folder where they have been stored.  But if it is possible, backup those files on other drive and once you need to reuse them, you can move them back to the folder where they have been stored. In this case if you set the correct path in the application, RC will reuse them.

Unfortunately, the bug with storing the cache to the Project folder has not been fixed yet.