Cable won't show up in Tarzan Grapple Mechanic.

Link to blueprint: Tarzan Swing Grapple Mechanic posted by ShaquilleOatmeal | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine

Hello! I am making a game for the first time! I am trying to work on movement mechanics first because I think they are interesting.

I am currently working on a Tarzan-style swing mechanic. My only issue is that I can’t see my grapple cable when I press my grapple key. The swing part works. I tried debugging the grapple point actor (the actor I use for the attach end to actor node to attach the grapple) spawn and confirmed that the actor is indeed spawning each button press, I’m not sure how to confirm where. I tried to connect my cable to the grapple point but the cable is not visible. I made sure visibility is set to true everywhere I could for debugging purposes, but still nothing. I also use the same exact cable component elsewhere in my project and it works fine there and can be seen when I want it to pop up, but it just won’t do it here…

I would really appreciate if anyone could help figure out why the cable isn’t showing, that would be awesome. Any tips to improve the grapple/how to remove the event tick (I’ve herd it is an evil diety we shall not use because it’s bad for performance) and still keep original functionality would also be appreciated!

While I’m at it, any tips for learning UE would be amazing because I’m new and suck badly at blueprint lol.

Thanks in advance for your input and have a wonderful day! :slight_smile: