C4D Smoothing Groups inconsistent

@BEEF DOCTOR So if C4D R15 FBX 2013 works with UE4.5 but C4D R16 FBX 2014 worked with UE4.4 not sure whos to fault Maxon or Epic. I also read that if the FBX is imported to 3DS and exported it imports into UE4 fine, regardless I wish I could just import my models with no errors.

I upgraded my project to UE4.5 and now it doesn’t matter if I export with C4D R15 or R16, i’m getting faceting.

Here is my attempt to make it facet, works fine for me Same C4D/UE4.5

Also my FBX file, https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4780157/Cylinders.zip

Can I see yours?

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Ok, first off you seem to be confusing the issue, you say “So if C4D R15 FBX 2013 works with UE4.5 but C4D R16 FBX 2014 worked with UE4.4 not sure whos to fault Maxon or Epic.”

This was Never the case:

  1. C4D R15 FBX 2013 Exported correctly to UE4.4 but not to UE4.5
  2. C4D R16 FBX 2013 or 2014 doesn’t export correctly to UE4.4 or UE4.5

Here’s some screen shots:

  1. C4D R15 FBX 2013 to UE4.5
  2. C4D R15 FBX 2014 to UE4.5
  3. C4D R16 FBX 2013 to UE4.5
  4. C4D R16 FBX 2013 to UE4.5

I attached my FBX file and the C4D file, any guidance is appreciated. It seems like I am exporting to FBX the wrong way as I was able to import yours fine.link text

You guys Win! - thanks for the file Freestyledork, its the existence of the 2nd UV set. On my files if I add a 2nd UV set and import they become faceted… Interestingly even if I turn OFF ‘Generate Lightmap UV’s’ in the Model Build settings, the faceting is still there with 2 UV sets from C4D. The files look ok in Modo 801. @BEEF DOCTOR, can you try with only one UV map per mesh?

The only fix I have so far is to only have 1 UV set and rely on UE 4.5’s Lightmap UV generation… Its NOT a problem exporting the same file (with 2UV maps) from Modo. That means its a C4D bug with multiple 2UV’s (I’m a beta tested with Maxon so I’ll go report it if I can figure out what the difference is)

Actually I think Epic should look at this too, both Modo 801 and Blender 2.71 have no issues with smoothing with the 2 UV maps, I tried using ASCII FBX’s and seeing if there was anything bad in there and can find nothing that stops UE from breaking the smoothing on import… ASCII FBX’s here

link text

Add just for another comparison, same meshes in Unity 4.6

How do Epic know this issue is open again? I gather they monitor these questions? I’m seriously considering going back to unity because this is becoming a pain in my ■■■■.

Hi Anadin,

I still do not believe this to be a bug with UE4. I took the meshes you linked above and without using UE4 imported them into Max. The first with 1 UV did have smoothing groups. The second with two UVs did not. This may need to be reported to Maxon if that’s the case.

With regards to using Unity, it may be something in the way that they calculate normals rather than using ones from the mesh. I’m not sure there since I have not used Unity before.

Looking at the mesh FBX in an 3Ds Max and seeing that there are no smoothing groups on the second mesh shows me that this is not a problem with how UE4 is handling the FBX file but rather something in C4Ds export process that is being lost.

I agree, something is up with what C4D is doing with the mesh with multiple UV’s (been a lot of recent work there) Interesting that MAX is also not dealing with it where MODO, Maya and Blender are all OK with it :frowning: I’ll be reporting it

Hi Beef Doctor,

A lot of issues are assigned to our support staff or other developers. When the issue is resolved it is hidden in our assigned list but when the issue is opened back up by a new comment/question the issue reappears in our assigned tasks list. This is how I am aware when the topic has been re-opened.

Hey @Beef Doctor, did you try your mesh with just UV set?

Not yet, I have been away since yesterday, will try when I get back. I know you guys believe this not to be a bug with UE4 but rather something wrong with the way c4d exports, I disagree, I have been exporting out of C4D FBX 2013 with two UV’s into older versions of UE4 and the smoothing groups (Phong angle) are fine. But when importing the same FBX into UE4.5 the smoothing is not there. This suggests that UE4.5 is not interpreting the data correctly and has nothing to do with C4d’s export method.

Why has this been marked as closed when it clearly isn’t?

This has been resolved because this appears to be an issue on C4D’s end with static meshes that have more than one UV with smoothing groups. The method I have used to test the issue does not use UE4 and I can see the issue that is being exported in the FBX file created with C4D when I import into 3Ds Max. This indicates that UE4 is not the source of the problem with the smoothing groups.

The image above displaying Unity with the smoothing groups correct is not a representative test case because Unity, from my understanding, applies an auto-smooth effect to it’s imported meshes as indicated from this post on their UnityAnswers site.

I get what you are saying but that doesn’t explain how I can export out an FBX out of cinema 4d R15 with two UV’s and it work fine in UE4.4 but not in UE4.5. it’s obviously caused by a change in unreal engine, thoughts?

Post two simple meshes here that you’ve made. I’ll test tomorrow in UE4 with 4.4 and 4.5.

I’m still happy to test this and take a look, but from what was already provided this appears to be an issue with C4D. We can test it though. :slight_smile:


Looking forward to a fix as this is rather annoying