C4D Datasmith plugin: No .c4d option when loading?

Hi, I’ve enabled the C4D Datasmith importer plugin (v1.0)

But when I use the Datasmith load option from the toolbar, there’s no .c4d option listed.
Do I need to do something else?



I also encountered a similar import problem
I can’t import the C4d file, although I found the C4d file form

Which version of the engine are you @Eric_Gooch @goedth on?
Do you have logs?
I tried on a 4.27.2 and Release-5.0 and could not repro.

Thanks, I’m on Version: 4.27.2-0 UE4
I thought maybe there was something I needed to add to the build through Visual Studio for the project, but in the Configuration Manager, I see several different Datasmith options, but not .c4d:


If you build from source from github you will not get CAD or C4D because it requires to link with libraries we cannot distribute. So those are only available in launcher version of the engine.

Ah, I see. Thanks, I’ll try to figure out how to proceed then.

What is the solution to this problem? I just started using unreal engine and there is no .c4d option in datasmith.