Assalamu Walaikum,
I want to know whether can I use only C++ for my games in UE ?
which is more handy?
blueprints or c++ code ?
You can create entire games just with blueprints, but also just with C++.
In my opinion blueprints are much easier to use + you can prototype something in a very short time
You will quickly find a balance of both - might be skewed one way or the other depending on your background…
i’ve been learning the engine and testing and experimenting alot lately alongside developing our game we are moving from conception to prototyping to actual development later
my advice if you have decent experience programming there is no reason to use one over the other use both , i’ll start with blueprint it’ll save alot of time for you debugging in c++ is hell visual debugging is unbeatable , for now i can do everything with it and the performance is great once i hit a limitation with it i’ll start seeking solution with c++
Anyway, for someone who programs a lot with C++… blueprint may be confusing lol… There are times when C++ is easier than blueprint - it depends.
Yes, you can use C++ to do everything.
It seems like there is a lot more help out on the web for blueprints. So if learning both bp and c++ you could have an easier time learning bp imo. unreal uses there own libs for c++ so half the time I search for things they don’t work out of the box in c++. Like a simple exp is FString verses std::string, That’s an easy fix but when you start looking for more advanced things like crypto you will need to know a good bit of c++ to change what the tutorial says into unreal c++
Yes blueprints are apparently easier to manage, because they are a graphical and more intuitive approach. But if you need to manage a lot of data they become messy (I mean for example huge amount of lines and nodes) and I think in this case C++ is more compact. There is also another problem for which I don’t know the details but Blueprints are slower than C++ in terms of performance during runtime. Personally I think it depends on the type of game you want to create. For example for a very simple game maybe a blueprint only approach is more manageable, but if you want to create a more complex one I think the best way is C++ only or a mix of C++ and BP (this latest approach is probably the best one)