C++ terminates BlueprintImplementableEvent functions timeline

I am calling a function from C++ which is a BlueprintImplementableEvent called X.

Update runs once and never runs again, Finished is not called, the timeline is removed out of existence. Timeline is set to 1 second with a single track. (The one in picture is fake to explain it easier.)

Simplified example, assume X is a BlueprintImplementableEvent called from c++;

The original timeline is set right, there’s nothing wrong with it.

Somehow C++ deletes the timeline from existence after running “Update” once. I double checked that this object is not destroyed or anything, how can i make this work?

Tried so far trying to find a workaround:

Solved with: https://www.orfeasel.com/consuming-timelines-using-c/

Edit: Apparently was missing the super call in base class’ beginplay :frowning:
Not sure the above blueprint examples work, but no reason they shouldn’t.