C++ Rope Plugin with Physics and Cutting - Development Roadmap

The information on this page pertains to the following product:

This page will host announcements and polls for planned features and improvements.
I will be implementing them when I am able to. I make no guarantees that any stated feature will be added to the product and do not claim they will be done within any time-scale.

I intend to begin work on the following:

  • More tutorials,
  • Runtime spawn rope,
  • Runtime grow and shrink rope.

First poll available here:
(update - poll now closed)

Let me know which one should be prioritised.

– Thread moved to ‘Marketplace’ –

The poll is now over. Thank you to those who participated.
The feedback provided me with a worthwhile insight into the marketplace.
As a result of the poll, I have developed and tested a new function: growing and shrinking the rope at run time.
The new feature comes with a number of bug fixes and optimisations.
I’m happy to announce that this update is now integrated and available for download.

For the time being, I am going to focus on bug fixes and tutorial content.

Remember to keep your plugin and tutorial map up to date!

In the meantime, consider participating in the poll to shape the development of the Rope Cutting Plugin:
(update - poll now closed)

The second poll is now over. Thank you to those who participated.
The feedback provided me with a worthwhile insight into the marketplace.
As a result of the poll, I will begin work on a non-cutting variant.

I am working on a 2022 update. The update will include:
-I will add set-up options to the component details section for easy access.
-I will add a basic chain system to this plugin as a separate component (The rope component cannot be used to imitate chains).
-I fully agree that the automatic destroy actor should be implemented via code and not blueprints. I did so because of a glitch that occurred, but will debug the issue and try to resolve it.
-I will release a new tutorial map and set-up video with the 2022 update.

When the marketplace begins to process submissions for UE5, I will send my plugin for review. I cannot guarantee that the rope plugin will work as intended or that Epic Games will accept it for distribution. I can confirm that right now it appears to be working well with UE5. See it running in UE5 here:

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