C++ Pointer Variable Spawn Point Issue

Hi all,
I’m creating a widget of buttons for each SpawnPoint object. Not having luck with spawning at the right locations.

I have a C++ Class Wiget_RespawnPointButton, with a blueprint subclass. Below is a screenshot of the .h file for the code, and also of the blueprint subclass.


This widget gets all actors of class BP_Base_SpawnPoint, and creates a Widget_RespawnPointButton for each of them, sending the Array Element to the create widget node.

Further testing

The below blueprint is from Widget_RespawnPointButton, I’m using this to see if it is possible to get the correct spawn location for each button. Taking a look at the next screenshot, we can see the two different locations.


Expected Results

Spawn at correct location when clicking on buttons

Actual Results

Not spawning at correct location when clicking buttons, have tried both

Correct location is being rendered on the button text

Logging of location does not return the correct location

Theories and ideas

I’m messing something up with the SpawnPointReference pointer variable in the C++ class ABaseSpawnPoint.

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