C++ Particle Systems - How to change particle system emitter values on the fly?

Hi, I’m trying to write C++ code to change my particle system emitter values on the fly. For example, I want to change the spawn rate (100 → 5) of the PS while the game is playing. I’ve looked at other articles and have been able to get a reference to my particle system and whatever I change in the actual PS editor, changes on screen. I’ve looked at the UParticleSystemComponent API and to no help. I have the ParticleSystemComponent.h in my includes as well so I know it works. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UParticleSystem> PS(TEXT("'/Game/My_Test_PS'"));
PSC = CreateDefaultSubobject<UParticleSystemComponent>(TEXT("MyPSC"));