C++ OnClicked mesh component works on parent but not child

I have a C++ Class EnemyBaseClass. It has this function in:

void AEnemyBaseClass::OnEnemyClicked(UPrimitiveComponent* pComponent, FKey inKey)

The Constructor has this:

 GetMesh()->OnClicked.AddDynamic(this, &AEnemyBaseClass::OnEnemyClicked);
  • I have a Blueprint called BP_EnemyBaseClass which is based on the C++ class.

  • I have another Blueprint called BP_BadGuy that inherits from the BP_EnemyBaseClass Blueprint.

  • I have several BadGuy blueprints placed in the world. When I click on them, nothing happens.

When I place a BP_EnemyBaseClass in the world, I can click it and the UE_LOG triggers.

I don’t understand what the deal is? I’ve set up the collisions properly. The clicking works fine if I use Blueprint and it works fine on the parent class, but on the BadGuy class that inherits from the EnemyBaseClass it doesn’t work. The UE_LOG never happens for the BadGuy Blueprints placed in the world.


SOLVED KIND OF?: Well, I deleted all the BP_BadGuy blueprints that were in the scene and placed them back and now the clicking functionality works fine.

I still don’t understand what the problem was. So if someone has a better answer, please feel free to give it here.