So looking through C++ tutorials and some of the Unreal source code I keep finding names with seemingly random letters in front. For example looking through the Slate tutorial found here, there are names like this:
class SLATETUTORIALS_API SMainMenuUI :public SCompoundWidget
Why is there an “S” in front of the name of the class?
void Construct(const FArguments& InArgs);
Why is there an “F” here?
I have done a bit of google searching and was unable to find any resources to explain this. Though its very possible I am just not sure what to call this and am not searching correctly. I think if someone could help me clear this up a lot of the code and tutorials would be much easier to understand.
“The F doesn’t really stand for anything. The first struct in the codebase was FVector, which was prefixed with F because it was a vector of floats, and the trend caught on.”