I’m looking for a ladder functionality built with c++, i did a little investigation on internet but most of them are based on blueprints. i’m looking for example code, idea (not expecting full working code but will be good).
Honestly I’ve tried to do a ladder with C++ code and it didn’t come out very good. What I would consider is looking into Inverse Kinematics with animations, and then just do a simple bool of if you’re on the ladder, play the ladder animation and set up IK points on you Ladder blueprint for the hands/feet of the character. I’ve done things like this with Unity and it was pretty easy. I know unreal supports Inverse kinematics but don’t know the exact implementation of it.
at least if there is any tutorial/guide/example with bp i can try that but i would like to do that in c++ because of the performance, many people said that c++ is way faster for those things…