Ok, so I think I am almost there, just missing one key step.
Let us first agree on what my end result should be:
It is basically an AND gate for execution pins – execution is gated until all incoming exec pins fire.
My idea is to track the state of each pin with some boolean array, where arr[i] == true
when the i-th pin executes. I figured a simple way to achieve this is via a SetAndTest UFUNCTION, which set the flag to true, and check whether the condition is met.
// UPARAM(ref) is required otherwise creating the connection will fail -- wrong direction
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta=(BlueprintInternalUseOnly))
static bool SetAndTestBoolArray_AND(int Idx, UPARAM(ref) TArray<bool>& InOutArray);
bool UFunctionLibrary::SetAndTestBoolArray_AND(int Idx, TArray<bool>& InOutArray)
ensure(false); // Check your K2Node implementation
return false;
InOutArray[Idx] = true;
for(bool flag : InOutArray)
return false;
return true;
For this to work, this means each input exec pin in my node should:
Connect to a CallFunction node that invokes SetAndTestBoolArray_AND
Check the output of the function using a Branch node
Connect to the output exec pin if true
I need an array of bools as well, so I use SpawnIntermediateVariable
, in combination with K2Node_AssignmentStatement
and K2Node_MakeArray
to set its value. Note, this might be redundant – I should be able to pass the output of MakeArray to all my CallFunction nodes, but let’s stick with this for now.
Resulting ExpandNode
void UK2Node_MultiAND::ExpandNode(FKismetCompilerContext& CompilerContext, UEdGraph* SourceGraph)
Super::ExpandNode(CompilerContext, SourceGraph);
UEdGraphSchema const* schema = SourceGraph->GetSchema();
// Create a boolean array, where arr[i] = true if the i-th exec pin was fired.
// Assign its value from the MakeArray node
UK2Node_TemporaryVariable* execFlagArr = CompilerContext.SpawnInternalVariable(this, UEdGraphSchema_K2::PC_Boolean, NAME_None, nullptr, EPinContainerType::Array);
UK2Node_AssignmentStatement* assignArrNode = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_AssignmentStatement>(this);
UK2Node_MakeArray* makeArrNode = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_MakeArray>(this);
makeArrNode->NumInputs = 0;
// Boolean flags matching the number of exec inputs
for(int i = 0; i < NumInputs; ++i)
makeArrNode->GetPinWithDirectionAt(i, EEdGraphPinDirection::EGPD_Input)->DefaultValue = "false";
bool success = true;
// Perform the "assignment" of the variable.
success &= schema->TryCreateConnection(makeArrNode->GetOutputPin(), assignArrNode->GetValuePin());
success &= schema->TryCreateConnection(execFlagArr->GetVariablePin(), assignArrNode->GetVariablePin());
// Now create a node for our function that sets an idx into the bool arr, and return true if all flags are set
// We need a separate function per index!
for(int i = 0; i < NumInputs; ++i)
// Each exec pin will set its respective index in the boolean array, then check if the condition is met to proceed output execution
UK2Node_CallFunction* setterFunctionNode = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_CallFunction>(this);
setterFunctionNode->SetFromFunction(UXStudioStatics::StaticClass()->FindFunctionByName(GET_FUNCTION_NAME_CHECKED(UXStudioStatics, SetAndTestBoolArray_AND)));
setterFunctionNode->FindPinChecked(Priv::locSetterFuncIndexPinName, EEdGraphPinDirection::EGPD_Input)->DefaultValue = FString::FromInt(i);
// Pass the array by ref to the function arg
success &= schema->TryCreateConnection(execFlagArr->GetVariablePin(), setterFunctionNode->FindPinChecked(Priv::locSetterFuncArrayPinName));
// Check the return of the function - if true, then all exec pins have fired.
UK2Node_IfThenElse* branchNode = CompilerContext.SpawnIntermediateNode<UK2Node_IfThenElse>(this);
success &= schema->TryCreateConnection(setterFunctionNode->GetReturnValuePin(), branchNode->GetConditionPin());
// Connect the i-th Exec pin to the setter function. The resulting Then pin goes to the branch logic.
success &= CompilerContext.MovePinLinksToIntermediate(*GetExecPin(i), *setterFunctionNode->GetExecPin()).CanSafeConnect();
success &= CompilerContext.MovePinLinksToIntermediate(*branchNode->GetThenPin(), *GetThenPin()).CanSafeConnect();
CompilerContext.MessageLog.Error(TEXT("Node @@ compilation failed"), this);
// Is this correct?
Everything compiles, and the function gets called as expected. In the first invocation, one flag is set to true. Then when the second pin fires, and the function is invoked a second time, the boolean array is reset, with all values being false. If I can understand why the array does not persist, this problem would be solved. Maybe it’s the difference between using the Assignment node vs th Set Variable node?