Hi All - I’m struggling with C++ Interface Implementation. My Interact interface function isn’t firing when called from my BP but I can’t figure out why. What am I doing wrong here?..
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, BlueprintCallable, Category = "C++ Interact Interface")
void Interact();
void Interact_Implementation() override;
void AMDC_ItemBase::Interact_Implementation()
{ ... // My function here ... }
My ItemBase.h file correctly has IMDC_InteractInterface included in the class. Here’s (screenshot) how I’m calling it in my BP and I can confirm that the item is valid and implements MDC_InteractInterface.
I’ve also tried making my Interact_Implementation in my header file in my MDC_ItemBase.h virtual and BlueprintNative to no avail.
Can anyone offer some help/advice? Thanks!