Hi all!
I got a problem with setting GetActorEyesViewPoint in my SGrenadeLauncher class.
In my SCharacter class I do the following:
if (TheGrenadeLauncherWeapon)
TheSpawnedWeapon = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AActor>(TheGrenadeLauncherWeapon, FVector(0), FRotator(0));
const USkeletalMeshSocket* WeaponSocket = GetMesh()->GetSocketByName("WeaponSocket");
WeaponSocket->AttachActor(TheSpawnedWeapon, GetMesh());
In my SGrenadeLauncher.cpp I do this:
void ASGrenadeLauncher::FireWeapon()
AActor* MyOwner = GetOwner();
MyOwner->GetActorEyesViewPoint(EyeLocation, EyeRotation); // On this line the editor crashes
So the editor crashes on GetActorEyesViewPoint of MyOwner. So something is wrong with MyOwner.
I think either the MyOwner does not find the correct SCharacter Actor, or the MyOwner should be a ACharacter or APawn or something for GetActorEyesViewPoint to work.
In SCharacter.cpp I attached the weapon to the socket. So I would think if I do GetOwner in SGrenadeLauncher.cpp that it would return me the SCharacter as an Actor. So any idea why my code doesn’t work?
Thanks in advance!