C++ function and blueprint function look different

These are the same functions

void APlayerC::SortActorsByDistance(TArray<AActor*>& Actors)
	quicksort(Actors, 0, Actors.Num() - 1);

void APlayerC::quicksort(TArray<AActor*>& Actors, int32 low, int32 high)
	if (low >= high) return;
	int32 pivot = low;
	int32 i = low + 1;
	int32 j = high;
	while (i <= j)
		while (AActor::GetDistanceTo(Actors[i]) <= AActor::GetDistanceTo(Actors[pivot]))
		while (AActor::GetDistanceTo(Actors[j]) >= AActor::GetDistanceTo(Actors[pivot]) && j > low)
		if (i > j)
			AActor* temp = Actors[j];
			Actors[j] = Actors[pivot];
			Actors[pivot] = temp;
			AActor* temp = Actors[j];
			Actors[j] = Actors[i];
			Actors[i] = temp;
		quicksort(Actors, low, j - 1);
		quicksort(Actors, j + 1, high);


In c++, SortActorsByDistance is calling quicksort below.

Why the input array Actors is on the output of blueprint node?
I’m pretty sure that the c++ function’s input is the array and nothing for output.

Try changing into this:-
void APlayerC::SortActorsByDistance(const TArray<AActor*>& Actors)

Thank you for your advise, but it didn’t work. Maybe I should edit or delete functions to make another way.

What do you mean it doesn’t work. I took 5 minutes off to produce this screenshot:
The left is without const.
The only difference with yours is this a blueprint function library (not belonging to an Actor).

I may have misunderstood what you mean changing into
void APlayerC::SortActorsByDistance(const TArray<AActor*>& Actors).

What happened is, I literally added ‘const’ in my cpp file’s SortActorsByDistance.
And as I add const on my code I get a bunch of error lines

even where they aren’t relevant with SortActorsByDistance and causes build/compile errors.
This also happens when I add the ‘const’ only in my header file’s SortActorsByDistance

		void SortActorsByDistance(const TArray<AActor*>& Actors);

like this, and adding const in both header file and cpp file does so.

Did I do what you intended or not? I’m honestly just asking whether this is right or not, I need a lot of help to dig in c++.

Don’t use const for function parameter as it prevent modification of the Actors array within the function, instead add UPARAM(ref)

void SortActorsByDistance(UPARAM(ref) TArray<AActor*>& Actors);