C++ Enum questions

Hi. How do i create a ENUM that i can use in blueprint AND C++. And how do i use that enum in a function in another class ?

You can use an Enum like this:

enum class EMyCustomEnum : uint8
    EMCE_Option1        UMETA(DisplayName = "Option 1"),
    EMCE_Option2        UMETA(DisplayName = "Option 2"),
    EMCE_Option3        UMETA(DisplayName = "Option 3")

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = "Your Category Name")
EMyCustomEnum MyCustomEnum;

If you want to access this Enum in another class inside a function then first you need a reference to the class with this Enum. After that you can simply access it. For example if the above Enum is in a class called MyCustomClass then in MyAnotherCustomClass you will create a function like this:

// header (.h)
AMyCustomClass* MyCustomClass;

// source (.cpp)
void AMyAnotherCustomClass::AccessEnumFunction()
    if (MyCustomClass != nullptr)
        // Access enum like this
        // MyCustomClass->MyCustom;

Then you need to include that class with the enum in your another class. For example, inside MyAnotherClassName you need to include MyCustomClass.

// header
#include "MyCustomClass.h"

I’ve never tried to add an enum from another class as a parameter for another class. In case you bump into any error please see the DependsOn class specifier.

Not inside a function inside the parameters sorry about that! Like this:

Thanks ! The Include was the thing ive missed!