[C++] convert std::vector to TArray?

new to C++, learning as i go.
i’ve tried a couple things but right now i have this.

struct FMyStruct


    UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, EditAnywhere)
    TArray<int32> dllVar;

	TArray<uint32> t;
	t  = dllNamespace::dllStruct().dllVar.data; (this is a std::vector<uint32>)

     //dllVar = (int32)t;
	dllVar = int32(t);



the errors i get is no suitable conversion function from TArray to “int32” exists

any help or sending me in the right direction would help. Thank You

To answer your question: iterate over std::vector and add every element to the new TArray, like this

TArray<int32> TestTArray;
std::vector<int32> TestVector;
for (int32 element: TestVector)


1 . In this line

dllVar = int32(t);

you are trying to assign value int32(t) of type int32 to a variable dllVar of type TArray and there is neither implicit nor explicit conversion between int32 and TArray

2 . also in that line you are trying to convert t of type TArray (or is it std::vector) to a value of type int32

3 . What is dllNamespace::dllStruct().dllVar.data?

cant use <> when using bold or code sample, so using parentheses

hey thank you for responding. i tried updating my title to specifically say convert from std::vector(uint32_t) to TArray(int32)

  1. i’m trying to assign what i hoped was a TArray(int32) to dllVar.
  2. i thought typecasting t, which is a TArray(uint32), from the std:vector(uint32_t) would work.
  3. dllNamespace::dllStruct().dllVar is a DLL struct i’m calling

dllNamespace::dllStruct().dllVar.data i assumed was std::vector::data