I’ve com across a compiling error trying to convert my proyect from 4.19 to 4.22. This are the errors:
ue_4.22\engine\source\runtime\imagewritequeue\public\ImageWriteTask.h(74): error C2144: syntax error: 'bool' should be preceded by ';'
ue_4.22\engine\source\runtime\imagewritequeue\public\ImageWriteTask.h(74): error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
ue_4.22\engine\source\runtime\imagewritequeue\public\ImageWriteTask.h(75): error C2144: syntax error: 'void' should be preceded by ';'
ue_4.22\engine\source\runtime\imagewritequeue\public\ImageWriteTask.h(75): error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
LerpAspectRatio.h(14): error C4596: '{ctor}': illegal qualified name in member declaration
This is the line 14 of the file LerpAspectRatio.h:
FLerpAspectRatio::FLerpAspectRatio(float LerpTime, UCameraComponent* TargetCamera, float InitialAspectRatio, float TargetAspectRatio, const FLatentActionInfo& LatentInfo)
I don’t know what to do or search to fix this problems. Anyone has any clue on how to solve this errors?