I created a papercharacter blueprint to prototype a character moving around the world. I used the add movement input node to do this. I have read that it does not update movement automatically and that I would have to do this in a tick function. However, it does just work automatically without me doing anything special in my tick to update movement.
Since that was working I started moving to C++ creating a subclass of APaperCharacter. I use the same add movement input function as I did in the blueprint, but it doesn’t move anymore. Why is the behavior different between the two versions, and how can I update movement in the C++ class?
This is the code related to the movement.
PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;
movement = GetCharacterMovement();
movement->GravityScale = 0;
movement->DefaultLandMovementMode = EMovementMode::MOVE_Flying;
movement->MaxFlySpeed = 185.0;
movement->BrakingDecelerationFlying = 100000000.0;
camera = CreateDefaultSubobject<UCameraComponent>(TEXT("player camera"));
void Aoverworld_player_char_c::SetupPlayerInputComponent(UInputComponent* player_input_component)
// Set up "movement" bindings.
player_input_component->BindAxis("MoveUp", this, &Aoverworld_player_char_c::moveUp);
player_input_component->BindAxis("MoveRight", this, &Aoverworld_player_char_c::moveRight);
void Aoverworld_player_char_c::Tick(float delta)
is_playing = true;
void Aoverworld_player_char_c::moveCamera()
camera_loc = GetActorLocation();
bool Aoverworld_player_char_c::checkForDirectionBlockage(TSet<Edirection> dir)
TSet<Edirection> in = dir.Intersect(lockedDirections);
return (in.Num() == 0);
void Aoverworld_player_char_c::moveUp(float axis)
bool can_move = false;
FVector vect(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
if (axis > 0.0)
can_move = checkForDirectionBlockage(topSet);
else if (axis < 0.0)
can_move = checkForDirectionBlockage(bottomSet);
if (can_move)
AddMovementInput(vect, (axis * movement_scale));
void Aoverworld_player_char_c::moveRight(float axis)
bool can_move = false;
FVector vect(1.0, 0, 0);
if (axis > 0.0)
can_move = checkForDirectionBlockage(rightSet);
else if (axis < 0.0)
can_move = checkForDirectionBlockage(leftSet);
if (can_move)
AddMovementInput(vect, axis * movement_scale);