C++ Blueprint Developer and 3D Animator for VR Room game

Project Title:

Platform: PC

Engine: Unreal engine 4

Genre: VR Room

We are looking for talented a blueprint programmer and 3D Animator.

Location : Turkey - Istanbul

Talent Required:

Blueprint Developer

  • 2+ years of professional Unreal experience, preferably in a team environment.
  • Excellent C/C++ skills
  • Experience with Unreal Script programming ( Blueprint )
  • Experience with Material, Animation and AI
  • Experience with animation state machines, low-level animation systems, and/or physics-based IK systems
  • Experience with VR/AR Glasses ( HTC Vive and Oculus Rift )

3D Animator

  • 2+ years of professional Unreal experience, preferably in a team environment
  • Experience with UE4 toolset a bonus.
  • Expected to create, rig and animate player, npcs & monsters.
  • Experience with Maya required.
  • Experience with VR/AR Glasses ( HTC Vive and Oculus Rift )

