C++ and Bleuprint Input integration

Ok so I’m learning how to make game in c++ and since unreal documentation is so poor in c++ there is something I decided to do in Blueprint (i.e: Widget apparition). So at the moment I have a grabber and a door opener bound to my e key in c++ and tried to bind to e in blueprint the fact to open text but blueprints seems to override my c++ binding and now they don’t work, is there any way to make the both of them to work at the same time?

I got help from reddit and worked it out, simply I was calling an input from level and the 2 c++ one were called from the player itself and Unreal only accept input from one source at the time so my level one had priority over the player one.

Please try to be more explanatory, no marks, no screenshots. If you give everything, better you get fast respond.