C++ actor collision not in level

I have a paper character that I created in C++. I added a box collision to the actor in the constructor. Then I created a blueprint based on this C++ class. In the blueprint viewport I can see the collision box and it is listed as inherited. When I spawn the blueprint into my level and show collisions, the box that I added is not shown. I CAN see the capsule collision that was inherited from character in my level, so why does my box collision not spawn in the level.

relevant paper character code:

	// configure collisions
	top_collision = CreateDefaultSubobject<UBoxComponent>(top_collision_name);

	// configure begin overlap callbacks
	top_collision->OnComponentBeginOverlap.AddDynamic(this, &Aoverworld_player_char_c::boxBeginOverlap);

	// configure end overlap callbacks
	top_collision->OnComponentEndOverlap.AddDynamic(this, &Aoverworld_player_char_c::boxEndOverlap);

void Aoverworld_player_char_c::boxEndOverlap(UPrimitiveComponent* overlapped, AActor* actor, UPrimitiveComponent* other_comp,
	int32 other_body_index)
	UBoxComponent* collision = Cast<UBoxComponent>(overlapped);
	if (collision != nullptr)
		Edirection dir = Edirection::UNKNOWN;
		FString name = collision->GetName();
		if (name == top_collision_name.ToString())
			dir = Edirection::UP;
		if (dir != Edirection::UNKNOWN)
			processCollisionEnd(dir, actor);

void Aoverworld_player_char_c::boxBeginOverlap(UPrimitiveComponent* overlapped, AActor* actor, UPrimitiveComponent* other_comp,
	int32 other_body_index, bool from_sweep, const FHitResult& sweep_result)
	UBoxComponent* collision = Cast<UBoxComponent>(overlapped);
	if (collision != nullptr)
		Edirection dir = Edirection::UNKNOWN;
		FString name = collision->GetName();
		if (name == top_collision_name.ToString())
			dir = Edirection::UP;
		if (dir != Edirection::UNKNOWN)
			processCollisionStart(dir, actor);

here is the viewport, you can see the (small) capsule in the center of the sprite and can see the 4 collision boxes

here is the level during play with collision showing. You can only see the capsule
