C++ actor array using blueprint class

in .h

#include “Lamp.h”


UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "MyVariables") TArrat<Lamp*> ActorsToSpawn;

declare on .cpp

for (AActor* theOtherActor : ActorsToSpawn) theOtherActor = Cast<theOtherActor>(this->GetClass());

Maybe It’s Work

I want to declare array that stores actor. In my blueprint, I made blueprint class named “Lamp”, which is used for spawning lamp in specific location. In short, I want to know how to declare variable in header Files. My simple logic code is below.
However, I cannot differentiate this code with
This code perfectly corresponds with my intention.
I found that ConstructorHelper Class may be helpful, but it can be utilized in constructor only. I want to declare array in header file.