I’m on chapter 9 of the “Blueprint Visual Scripting for Unreal Engine 5” book where I am trying to make the enemy approach the source of noise made by the player. However in my case, the enemy appears to be deaf because he does not even turn around to find out where the source of the noise is coming from even if I’m directly behind him. I verified that nodes match the figures from the book. What am I missing here?
I just ran into the same issue. After a bunch of searching and fiddling, I was able to figure out that you need to pass an actor reference, in this case the player, into the Noise Maker input. Not sure if this is just a mistake with the book, or if it wasn’t needed in the version of UE used in the book (I’m on UE 5.3.2). Either way, this fixed it for me.
I got stuck there too, but the Get Owner made it work, I still have problems with fireing the gun and being detected. The book shows you editing the BP_FirstPersonCharacter Shoot Event, but in the latest version of UE the BP_Weapon_Component handles that with EnhancedInputAction IA_Shoot. Been trying to figure out how to add a Make Noise Function but without the Components to add Pawn Sensening the Make Noise Funtion won’t pop up. The best I could find is the Report Noise Event. But that doesn’t seem to work. Any ideas?