Hello Everyone,
I am buying a workstation for my work in Unreal. I am confused about its specs, so, can you help me in determining best specs that achieves very good performance in order to do my work in faster time, and without any crashes.
thank you 
The higher specs you can buy then better. You need to build same as you would do gaming build, as you the most minimal task your game development workstation need to do… is play games ;p with few differences:
-You should not save up on memory size as UE4 editor is memory hungry, 16GB recommended minimum, the more the better and better reservers for future
-Lot of people in gaming PC build community will say that cores don’t matter as they treat PC like a gaming console running single application. In case of game development cores are actually more useful for tasks like lightning build or code compilation and shader compilation, it makes them faster. Also more cores = better multitasking capabilities of your machine, mroe memory also improve that. I recommend you to wait for AMD Ryzen 3xxx series to check there situation, as rumor say it might be quite attractive bunch of CPUs, having lot of cores and near-Intel like speeds for way lower price.
-Lot of disk space, UE4 projects have tendency to eat up lot of disk space and you might end up having multiple UE4 installations with different versions. Also SSD improves complication times by a lot, so if you plan to code SSD is way to go. My personal setup is M.2 SSD for OS and impotent programs, SATA SSD for more programs and UE4 and impotent C++ projects and 2TB mechanical disk for less impotent projects and all other stuff, if you cna get bigger disk go ahead. It really depends how you gonna organize you disk space, so think about it.
-The better GPU the more things you can run for longer time without upgrade. Same as with games the better GPU more FPS you have, but for UE4 editing it self is not as impotent as you can turn off real time rendering, but if oyu got that route don’t go too much low end. Mid range cards are minimum here , Bigger VRAM memory here might be useful too. If you plan investing in VR then you really need to consider higher end GPUs as those require more GPU power
-If you get high end GPU with higher TDP, they heat up a lot, you might consider getting bigger case and provide proper air flow to get rid of heat from the case.
It really all depends on you funds, how much you can spend on it, to properly balance performance to cost
Thanks for your reply,
Can you please tell me certain types for the Processor and GPU?
As i said wait for AMD Ryzen 3xxx series CPUs ;p it sound they gonna be great with 12 16 core options in prices of original Ryzen series, 8 core is also good option to if you want to go budget. the higher clock the better. Here video with info about them:
As for GPU, i think 1060 6GB is minimum, i would not jump in to high end 20 series look on 10 series insted, 2070 = 1080 2080 = 1080Ti(+ it has more memory), only thing they give you extra is ray tracing if you interested in that then go ahead… but they quite expensive, i would wait for price drops. I can;t say anything about AMD as i always been more on NVidia side.
That’s fine, and what about the motherboard?