Hello. In uefn I want to make a shop (i want it to be a vending machine) that will give a player a damage amplifier. It’s damage multiplier should be bigger and bigger by for example 0.3 when you buy it next time. It’s a multiplayer map, so it needs to be special for every player. Thank you very much.
Hey osolenye,
I’m not sure if the vending machine will pass the instigator info with it’s On Item Spawned Event
and the vending machine only gives items or consumables.
Can I suggest using a Conditional Button, with something like a visible damage amplifier in a display case.
I recon the best way to do this would be to use player classes.
a different damage amplifier for each class, they can be set to affect only that class.
say 10 levels of damage, use 10 damage amplifiers and 10 classes
use the buttons event to switch the players class.
use a sequence of class selectors that change players with the same button event, but have each class selector only affect the class before.
Where can I read about how to implement this? I am very new to this things and would like to learn. Thank you so much for your time.
this is a tutorial on how to use a conditional button device: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6G3nVBuwFXk&pp=ygUXVUVGTiBjb25kaXRpb25hbCBidXR0b24%3D
That is one method to use, and probably the most straightforward- to manage which damage amp they get though it kind of depends. Either way is going to be a little complicated for a beginner but you can either use Verse and set the damage amp to the magnitude you want on each purchase, or you can use switch devices to keep track of which level they are at.
As far as the vending machine goes, the item spawned event does in fact send an instigator and can connect to whatever system checks for what damage to give you. To display the damage amplifier on it, you’ll have to change the material- which there are tutorials for that on YT as well.