Button Widget Flickering and not Clicking

May somebody please help me with this button widget, basically the problem im having is that whenever im hovering over the button it flickers between the normal state and the hovered state it never actually stays in the hovered state, and also whenever i try clicking on the button it only works on certain spots, you can see in the video whenever i try clicking in the bottom right corner of the button it doesn’t do anything but when i click in the top right corner of the button it removes the widget which is what its supposed to do

I’ve been getting really frustrated with learning how widgets work recently and im not sure if they are just a buggy mess or if im just a buggy mess but please help me with this.

2024-11-13 18-00-49.mkv (943.9 KB)

Hey there @Zevkun! Are you using a button class itself for this? This looks like something is changing every tick that could be causing issues with the hovering. I ran some tests with a Button class and an Image class and can’t seem to replicate the issue.


Yes! Im using a button class in a Widget Blueprint that has the appearance set with the 2 images, then adding that widget blueprint to another widget blueprint that displays the button on that desktop you saw in the video, i will provide 2 screenshots showing both of those classes