Button UMG Bug 4.17

Hi friends, I have a problem witn new(4.17) version in UMG tool.

1)Well, when I press button, after t nearly equal 0.8(I tested it with FPS == 1, 0.8 too) button release if I don’t move it.

Video for clarity: UE Button Bug 4.17 - YouTube

  1. PC and mobile have this problem.

  2. I fix it(I think broke it more) when I change OnFocusLost() method in SButton class,
    video for clarity: Button Try Fix 4.17 - YouTube

Best regards, your friend, Alex.

Not one answer, not one thought, you know this is a pretty nasty bug. When you do not respond, in the world at least one cat is very sad.

You got me there at the cat. :expressionless:

What are you trying to achieve? You want the button to automatically release when you move the cursor off the button?

No, I want the button don’t release automatically when I click it. I click on it and after that button released(t = 0.8s ) if I don’t move mouse.

Does not matter, vote please: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-50329)

I also ran into this bug and I noticed it disappears if IsFocusable set to false


Thank you sir you solve it.